Published Friday, January 25, 2019

Brain confrontation may become a new type of combat style after intelligent weapon confrontation and human-machine hybrid confrontation——

Brain confrontation: A high degree of integration between humans and weapons

Science and technology have always been the first driving force for the evolution and development of human warfare. Powerfully driven by intelligent technology with artificial intelligence as the core, the curtain of future war with the main characteristics of knowledge center, intelligence dominance, brain-computer collaboration, and intelligence control domain is slowly opening. Manned-unmanned groups collaborate to fight, New combat styles such as distributed unmanned intelligent swarm attack operations and large-scale unmanned swarm attrition operations are beginning to take shape. With the development of brain-imitation technology, brain-enhancing technology, brain control technology, and brain defense technology, "brain confrontation" based on the struggle for human brain cognition may evolve into a combat style in future wars, which will have a great impact on a country's military The influence of strategies, combat ideas, institutional arrangements, weapons and equipment cannot be underestimated.

Brain-inspired technology——

Intelligent systems may surpass human intelligence in all aspects

Strictly speaking, brain-inspired technology is a bionic technology, also known as brain-inspired technology. It takes the structure, function, cognitive mechanism and process of the human brain as reference objects, and uses neural network chips, software, etc. to simulate the mechanism and process of the human brain processing information to achieve a high degree of intelligence.

From the emergence of Enik, the world's first electronic computer, to IBM's Deep Blue system defeating world chess champion Kasparov, to Google's AlphaGo defeating top Go players Li Shishi and Ke Jie, it shows that intelligent systems have already developed in a specific field. Approach, reach or exceed human intelligence.

Some experts pointed out that in the next 30 years, intelligent systems will realize all human cognitive abilities and their collaborative mechanisms, and may eventually reach or surpass the level of human intelligence. The "Blue Brain Project" is a plan to replicate the human brain conceived by Swiss scientists. Professor Henry Markram, who is in charge of the project, claimed that it is expected to create the world's first "thinking" machine around 2020. It will be possible Possessing sensations, desires, and even fears.

In August 2014, with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, IBM developed the second-generation brain-inspired computing chip "True North." The chip architecture is modeled after the human brain, integrating computing, communication, and storage functions. It contains 5.4 billion transistors and can perform 46 billion synaptic operations per second. Its intelligence level is basically equivalent to that of small rodents.

In the military field, in June 2016, the artificial intelligence system "Alpha" developed by the University of Cincinnati in the United States defeated the experienced retired US Air Force colonel Keen Lee in a simulated air combat experiment. The "Alfa" system uses a new algorithm of "genetic fuzzy tree", which has extremely high fault tolerance and controllability. It can generate and coordinate optimal combat plans in complex and dynamic air combat environments, and make very accurate responses. The reaction speed is 250 times that of humans.

Brain-strengthening technology——

Human intelligence will achieve unprecedented development

Currently, an important direction in the development of intelligent technology is to build unmanned intelligent systems with "people on top of the loop" and "people outside the loop", because people's "intellectual inefficiency" has seriously restricted the efficiency of unmanned intelligent systems.

Brain-enhancing technology may change the dilemma of "war drives humans away". Brain-enhancing technology uses wearable super-brain enhancement equipment to stimulate and change brain wave activity, enhance the activity intensity of brain neuron cells, and combine it with intelligent algorithms to develop and improve human intelligence. It can also take the form of implanted chips, brain-computer interfaces, etc., to synergize and integrate the storage, computing, memory and other capabilities of the machine with human cognitive abilities to achieve auxiliary enhancement of human brain functions.

According to reports, the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency implanted four microelectrode arrays into the brain of a paralyzed man named Nathan Cooperlander in areas responsible for processing motor functions and finger and palm sensations, and then Being connected to the robotic arm allowed Kuberland to regain his sense of touch and control the movements of the robotic arm. The accuracy of the collaboration between the human brain and the electronic implant is close to 100%.

In the military field, the U.S. Army launched the "Deep Green" project in 2007, aiming to use "parallel simulation" and other technologies to deduce and predict various possibilities for the development of future battlefield situations. At the end of 2016, the "Commander's Virtual Staff" project was launched, which comprehensively uses technologies such as cognitive computing and command automation to efficiently process massive data and complex battlefield situations, creating a "second brain" for commanders. In March 2018, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency released the "Compass" project, which uses technologies such as unstructured information extraction events to support combatants in judging the opponent's intentions and understanding the battlefield situation.

Brain control technology——

Smart devices will fully understand our intentions

Brain control technology creates a direct connection path between the human brain and external devices, detects and records the movement of the human brain, and translates brain signals into a language that the computer can understand, achieving one-way communication between the human brain, the computer, and external devices. Or two-way information transmission is the future development trend of human-computer interaction. Through human brain-machine interaction, smart devices will understand our potential intentions and execute and provide feedback according to our intentions. In the future, smart devices will also understand our thinking and cognitive status and assist in making more accurate decisions.

According to reports, the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has tried to use brain-computer interface technology to shorten the skill training cycle of soldiers, create "super soldiers", and establish a "cognitive technology threat early warning system" to enable soldiers to respond within 2 to 3 seconds. Identify 100 threat targets within the field of view. Russia, Japan, Germany and other countries are also actively exploring and learning from the operating mechanism of the human brain to develop information processing systems, intelligent weapons and equipment or highly intelligent robots with human recognition, reasoning and judgment capabilities, seeking to achieve a "seamless" connection between the human brain and weapons.

In March 2016, the then US Deputy Secretary of Defense Work announced the concept of "Loyal Wingman", which aimed to improve the autonomous combat capabilities of UAVs by designing and developing an artificial intelligence module for F-16 fighter jets, and ultimately achieve The U.S. Air Force has formed a high-low match between the unmanned F-16 fourth-generation fighter jets and the F-35A fifth-generation fighter jets for future warfare. Through coordinated operations in manned-unmanned formations, it can effectively destroy the opponent's air and ground targets. At present, the project has made phased progress. One day in the future, a fleet of intelligent unmanned hybrid aircraft directly controlled by the human brain may dominate the future air battlefield.

Brain defense technology——

Building a strong brain security line of defense is on the agenda

Brain defense technology is also called brain protection technology, and it has a contradictory relationship with brain control technology. Its basic principle is to use electromagnetic wave, biological, material and other technologies to enhance the human brain's defense capabilities against brain-controlled attacks and prevent the human brain from being deceived, controlled and reduced in intelligence. As early as 1995, the Japan Patent Office issued a patented technology that could be used to prevent brain control. This technology mainly detects cognitive eavesdropping behavior by detecting and analyzing resonance signals caused by eavesdropping radio waves, issues early warnings to the eavesdropped objects, and sends out clutter interference as needed.

Currently, some countries in the world are competing to develop brain defense technology. One is shielding technology. It is to use new materials and new mechanism shields to effectively block the intrusion of low-frequency AC electromagnetic fields from the outside and prevent the enemy from controlling the brains of our own personnel by emitting electromagnetic waves. Hiding hundreds of meters deep underground or underwater can also effectively shield the enemy from brain control attacks. The second is to weaken technology. For example, using a Schumann wave generator to emit Schumann waves can effectively reduce the interference of radio and electromagnetic waves in brain-controlled attacks, help people relax physically and mentally, and enhance their defense against brain-controlled attacks. The third is thinking training technology. That is, through systematic and professional thinking training, we can strengthen the ability of image thinking and intuition, reduce subconscious, logical reasoning and other thinking patterns that are vulnerable to brain control attacks, and improve the brain's ability to resist interference and attack.

(Author's unit: China Electronics Technology Development Strategy Research Center)


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