Published Friday, August 7, 2020

Brain control weapons in the "cradle"

If the brain is the "ultimate territory" for humans to understand themselves, then more and more areas of this "ultimate territory" are being "deeply developed". Especially in the weapons industry, many military powers have set their sights here in recent years, trying to use the ever-improving brain technology and artificial intelligence technology to create brain-controlled weapons similar to those in the movie "Avatar."

Brain-controlled weapons are based on brain-computer interface technology, using EEG signals as driving signals to replace human limb operations to control weapons. "Brain-computer fusion" can bring about the separation of "people" and "things", and give weapons and equipment the intelligent characteristics of "moving according to the heart", making it possible for "perception is decision-making, and decision-making is strike".

Currently, scientific research teams in many countries are developing brain-controlled weapons, such as brain-controlled drones, brain-controlled robots, etc. Since the beginning of this century, the U.S. military has begun to explore the specific application of brain-computer interface technology in the military field. It has successively conducted a series of studies, such as remote control of bipedal robots by soldiers' brains, use of pilots' thoughts to control fighter flight simulators, and human brain control of intelligence. Mixed unmanned aerial vehicle fleet, etc.

Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and other countries are also actively developing intelligent weapons and equipment with human recognition, reasoning and judgment capabilities, seeking a seamless connection between the human brain and weapons.

In general, the research and development of this kind of brain-controlled weapons is still in the "cradle" of technology. Before it can form realistic combat effectiveness, the problem of "brain control" must be solved first.

"Brain Control" is technically divided into two parts. First, on the basis of understanding the operating mechanism of the human brain, through a large number of tests and experiments, smooth signal communication and linkage between the human brain and weapons, and achieve "mind control" of weapons; second, eliminate unnecessary external interference enhances the human brain's defense capabilities against external influences, interference and even attacks, ensuring the normal control of brain-controlled weapons.

At the first level, research by researchers from various countries is in full swing. At the second level, external influence and interference on the human brain have become a real threat.

There is still a long way to go to realize the actual combat use of brain-controlled weapons, but this does not seem to affect the continued research and development of brain-controlled weapons. In fact, the military construction of some countries has benefited from R&D. For example, some research and development results can help soldiers better remember the knowledge they have learned and effectively shorten the skill training cycle. Other results can be used to treat traumatic brain injuries and stress disorder syndrome in officers and soldiers, and help injured soldiers with amnesia read various information recorded in the brain.

Looking to the future, with the development of related technologies, brainwave interactive "brain-brain collaboration" may become a reality. In this way, the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of unit coordinated operations will be further enhanced.


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